About Central Library S.D.D.K.M
Our college being a rural college, is located in a remote area. Consequently, learning resources are meagre and largely inaccessible to the students who mostly belong to poor and needy families. It is under such a circumstance that the central library of the college turns out to be an indispensable factor in the day-to-day curricular activities of the college. It would perhaps not be an overstatement to say that the library forms the backbone of college.
As already mentioned, an overwhelming majority of our students are financially weak and cannot afford to buy even the text books prescribed in the CBCS curriculam because of their high price, let alone the reference and background readings required to enrich their depth and understanding. Fortunately, however, they can access the college library and issue both text books and reference books. It is needless to mention that education in today’s world is highly carrier oriented, andconsequently the library subscribes to three monthly magazines that cateer to this pragmatic requirement of our students. They are Achivers, Pesha-prabesh & Safollo. A large hall adjacents to the library, serves as a reading room with adequate sitting arrangements. This room is often used by the students for both group study and personal reading.
The library is open from Mon-Sat day (except holidays) from 10:30 am. to 4:30pm. The total no of printed volumes available in the library collection is a little over 11,000, of which books on :
English -1403
Education - 1583
Geography - 986
History - 1134
Sanskrit - 1178
Santali - 795
Pol. Science - 224
Physical Education - 482
Philosophy - 1040
Sociology – 222
The library also has a rich collection of story books, spiritual and religious books (mostly on the teaching of Swami Dhananjay Das Kathiababa and the Nimbarka cult.) and other non-academic books which can be used by both the students and the faculty members. The cultural library also subscribes to the Bengali daily Ananda Bazar Patrika and the weekly newspaper Karmakhetra.
Since its’ inception in 2009, it was functioning in manual mode until recently. Once the permanent librarian joined in 2020, measures were taken to digitize it. The Integrated Librarey Management Software (ILMS) was installed and more technical processing such as library accessioning are going on. The library website has been freshly designed after the pandemic, with appropriate links for open access e-resources and last 5 year’s question papers for the use of both students and teachers. Ask a librarian service was duly extended to the students through personal communication & social media platforms during the pandemic. Unlike many other colleges the library of Swami Dhananjay Das KathiababaMahavidyalaya was routinely open on a weekly basis for aiding the students with study materials in the time of pandemic.
Freshers are initiated into the facilities, rules and regulations of the library, through a library orientation programme, which is held alongside the induction programme conducted at the beginning of every academic year. An International Webinar on Role of College Libraries during this Pandemic Situation on 9th January, 2021 to enlighten the students and the faculty members about significance of Library resources.
Most recently the college administration has decided to subscribe to the N-List through which library would be enabled to access e-books, e-journals and other online resources for supporting both students in their learning and teachers in their research.