MOU (Memorandum of understanding )
1.MOU With Bankura Sammilani College
Activity: Technical Workshop
Date: 18/07/23 Time: 11:30 am
A technical workshop was organized by the IQAC, Swami Dhananjoy Das Kathiababa College, in collaboration with members of the IQAC Bankura Sammilani College, to familiarize both teaching and non-teaching staff members with the process of filling NAAC data templates and uploading supporting documents, creating links and formatting relevant documents to be included in the SSR. Staff members sought clarification regarding various queries which were resolved to their satisfaction by eminent resource persons from Sammilani College. List of attendees: 
Dr Priyam Das: Assistant Professor
Deep Kr Kirtania Librarian
Saptarshi Roy: State Aided College Teacher
Please find the attached document
2.MOU With Saltora Netaji Centenary College
Under the MOU signed with Saltora Netaji Centenary College an online faculty exchange programme was organized with active participation of faculty members from Bengali and Geography departments.
Date of Faculty Exchange: 30th June, 2023
Please find the attached document

Faculty Participation:
Shri Pranab Kumar Mahato (Assistant Prof. Bengali, Saltora Netaji Centanary College)
Dr. Soumyabrata Bandyopadhyay (Assistant Prof. Bengali, Saltora Netaji Centanary College)
Shri Ujjal Pramanik (SACT, Bengali, Saltora Netaji Centanary College)
Shri Joydeep Kumar Dey (State Aided College Teacher, Bengali Dept, Swami Dhananjoy Das Kathiababa MV)
3. MOU With Industry:
City Bank Project
Swami Dhananjoy Das Kathiababa College signed a MOU with Genius Computer Academy in conjugation with Anudeep Foundation and City Bank w.e.f 16th November 2021and valid as of March 2022. The City Bank project groomed students in IT and interpersonal skills with a particular emphasis on job oriented computer training. Candidates were awarded certificates on successful completion of 115 hours of training covering English literacy and digital training.
Please find the attached document